Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Peace Like a River - by Leif Enger

I had the same problem with this book as I did with The Perks of Being a Wallflower, specifically that I misplaced my copy of the book, which was chock full o' markers where libraries were mentioned, before I finished reading it. I suspect the book is still floating around Havana, Cuba where I left it in a hotel. Fortunately, I did not borrow said copy from a library, so I am not on the hook to pay for it. I was, however, able to get a library copy when I returned home so I could finish it, but only have my memories of how important books, libraries, and writing were to the characters of Ruben and Swede, a brother and sister whose older brother Davy goes on the lam after escaping from jail for killing two teenagers who broke into his house. Ruben, Swede, and their father Jeremiah travel the Midwest in their Airstream looking for their missing family member, with the feds in hot pursuit as well.

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